Chinese pregnant women are dying because of an outdated WHO suggestion
In the September of 1997, a Chinese woman Ma Rongrong committed suicide in a hospital of northern China while expecting, because that terrible pain outweighed her. The hospital claimed that this tragedy was a result of her family's refusing to get caesarean section for her since they wish for a second baby. But Ma's husband and mother denounced that claim and give a contrary edition of the story: it was the doctor(s) who refused to give C-section to Ma. Behind this dispute is an outdated WHO suggestion which has shaped the new practice of birth in China, especially after the second-child policy was launched in 2016. And Fuxian Yi is one of the most famous experts who repeatedly spread that suggestion on some Chinese media. In an interview titled 'Behind the abnormally high C-section rate of China' (《 透视剖腹产率畸高的背后 》) originally published on the Science and Technology Daily on Jan 31, 2010, Fuxian Yi had said that ‘According to the recommendation of WHO, the C-sect...