Chinese pregnant women are dying because of an outdated WHO suggestion

In the September of 1997, a Chinese woman Ma Rongrong committed suicide in a hospital of northern China while expecting, because that terrible pain outweighed her.

The hospital claimed that this tragedy was a result of her family's refusing to get caesarean section for her since they wish for a second baby. But Ma's husband and mother denounced that claim and give a contrary edition of the story: it was the doctor(s) who refused to give C-section to Ma.

Behind this dispute is an outdated WHO suggestion which has shaped the new practice of birth in China, especially after the second-child policy was launched in 2016. And Fuxian Yi is one of the most famous experts who repeatedly spread that suggestion on some Chinese media.

In an interview titled 'Behind the abnormally high C-section rate of China' (《透视剖腹产率畸高的背后》) originally published on the Science and Technology Daily on Jan 31, 2010, Fuxian Yi had said that ‘According to the recommendation of WHO, the C-section rate in ordinary hospital should be no more than 10% , while that in hospitals which specializes in difficult diseases should be no more than 15% .' (“世界卫生组织建议,在普通医院,剖腹产的比例不应该高于10%,在专门收治疑难病例的特殊医院,剖腹产的比例也不应该高于15%”)

Then the state-run media People's Daily online quoted Yi's opinion in an article titled 'WHO suggested C-section rate should be no more than 10%'(《世卫组织建议剖腹产率不应高于10%》) on Feb 1st, 2010. This means, in a way, that CCP government accepted this idea.

Fuxian Yi repeated such suggestion in another article titled 'Misuse of C-section: the cost of "no-pain" '(《滥用剖腹产:“不疼”的代价》)  originally published on on Aug 16, 2013.

But in fact, in June 2010, just 5 months after the former interview of Yi was published, WHO had 'officially withdrew' that recommendation , and said that "what matters most is that all women who need Caesarean sections receive them"(p25 ) .

However, many media, including Financial Times, continued to spread that outdated suggestion from WHO . In the 2016 annual report of FT titled 'Second time around, Chinese mothers turn away from C-sections' (中文版:《中国二胎妈妈们的新态度》). It mentioned that:
'The World Health Organisation puts the optimal C-section rate for the health of mothers and babies at between 10 and 15 per cent. In the US, with its lawsuit-prone system geared towards medical intervention, the rate is 33 per cent. In the UK, it is 24 per cent. In China, the rate had reached 46 per cent by 2008 before health officials realised the extent of the problem. Some urban hospitals delivered more than 70 per cent of babies by C-section until the government began to stem the practice about four years ago.' 

 Although as a British media, FT, and its journalists, should have known that WHO had withdrawn that suggestion as early as 2010.

The Chinese media quoted and many Chinese hospitals followed Yi's suggestion as authoritative view even after a woman from Shaanxi province was reported committed suicide during childbirth because the pain was too much for her, in Sep 2017.

And Yi never supports the introducing of epidural anesthesia although it has be practiced more and more widely in developed countries. Actually, in that interview published in 2010, he said that, just as C-section, it should only be adopted in some difficult situations.(the exact words he used in Chinese is '所谓剖腹产手术分娩和注射药物的无痛分娩,只是适合妊高症、心脏病、甲亢、骨盆狭窄、胎位不正以及严重产痛等产妇的一种选择性、补救性手术')

So I have some little uneasy feelings about his qualifications as a 'senior scientist' even in obstetrics and gynecology.

How many pregnant Chinese women and their babies died because of this 'scientific view' from Yi? Nobody knows. Maybe nobody really care about them--at least Fuxian Yi and his supporters in media and Chinese government don't care.

What they care is to increase the population of this over-populated country so that CCP government could attain their ambition of making China one of the ‘big powers' of the world. And this idea is the core of Yi's famous (or notorious?) book, Big Country with Empty Nests(《大国空巢》).




